Monday, February 19, 2007

Okay, okay, you win, this IS a poker blog...

Three things going on in my life right now... school, wedding plans, and poker games. The wedding plans are on another blog, school isn't exciting enough to talk about, which leaves...

Last Thursday, I found a new good luck charm at the poker table. Unfortunately I can' t put it on top of my cards, as the good luck charm is Meredith. At the Troy's house, she tagged along for Game 2, though she didn't play (this time.) We sat and watched Pappy take game 1 by sucking out about 4 or 5 times, then it was off to game 2 -- 8 players.

We started with 5,625 chips, and in the first three hands of the game, I was involved in pots of at least 3,500 chips on all three hands. I got jiggy with A-6 in middle position on the very first hand, and somehow convinced myself that I could buy the pot from Christy. No luck. I had a measly pair of sixes, and I can't remember what pair she had, but it was better than mine. I lost over 1/3 of my stack on the very first fucking hand!

Very next hand, Christy and I tangled again. She raised preflop with J-J, and I called with K-10 suited. I got lucky that she checked the 6-7-8 flop, giving me the free card on the turn, which was a 9. I got her to call to the river, and nearly made my money back from hand #1.

Very next hand, I limp from early position with Aces. (what's up with these cards?) I get 3 callers until it gets to Corky in the Big Blind, and I'm thinking "Great, I'll have no idea how to play this hand," assuming Corky will check too. But he raises from 100 to 300, which is a very small raise given the number of limpers. Hmmm, now I have to isolate and reraise. Given the knowledge I had at the time, 1,200 might have been about right, but I decided to make it look suspicious and made it 2,100. Corky thought about it for a while, then pushed all-in, saying he thought I was trying to buy it. But he was really trying to disguise his strength too, as he flipped over his K-K as soon as I quickly called with my A-A. The flop was all rags, and I had gone from 5,625 down to about 3,500, back to 5,600, and now over 11,000 in three hands.

My good fortune continued, as I won a race with 10-10 against Mark's all-in with A-Q, and later knocked Pappy out when I had 5-5 and he re-raised all in with K-K. I was pot committed and called, and caught a 5 on the flop.

I don't think I lost any significant hands the whole game, but Jeremy started picking up chips quickly and we ended up pretty even when it got down to heads-up. After about 5-6 hands of see-sawing, we decided to chop.

So thank you Meredith for bringing me good luck! Next time you'll have to play.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Parking Problem

The next house I buy will have its garage on the right side of the house (as viewed from the street).

This occurred to me as I just pulled my car into my house's left-side garage, and I had to walk all the way around the car to get to the side where the house door is. And because I usually close the garage door from inside the car once I park, I have to shimmy sideways behind the car as closely as possible so I won't trip the electric eye and make the garage door stop closing. I mean, this whole process takes me about 10 seconds longer than if the garage were on the other side of the house, and thus I could get out of my car door and walk straight in the door.

Big deal, you say? Well, let's say my time is currently worth about $20 an hour. Maybe that's generous, because one online website had me enter my assets, liabilities and hours worked, and told me that my time is worth less than zero. But since $20 an hour is about what my old job paid, let's stick with that assumption.

I also park my car in my garage at least once every day, barring illness or some Saturdays that follow Friday night poker, but usually it's twice or more. Let's conservatively say that on average, I park in the garage twice a day. Doing the math, this equates to two hours spent each year walking around my car in the garage, and thus about $40 each year. And I'm not even factoring in the salt marks on my clothes which transfer from my car when I'm shimmying around its back side.

Again, big deal? Some things simply cost money, I realize, but something as simple as "on which side is the garage" shouldn't be one of them. My recent statistics training makes me want to obtain a database of all recent house sales investigate if there is a difference in price in the houses with left-garages versus right-garages.

Then again, I hope I will never encounter the following discussion at the next open house I attend:

"The price seems a little high."
"Well, not really, because all the appliances are included, and the garage is on the right side."

And I now realize I've also wasted $8.40 worth of my time writing this... guess I'd better go to work and recoup it.

Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm Getting Married!

Well, that was the big news I mentioned a couple weeks ago. I popped the question on Friday night, and luckily for me she said, "Yes!" (Full details at

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Poker Weekend Up North

Had a great time last weekend at Greg's mom's cottage! Unfortunately, I didn't make the trip up there on Saturday afternoon as originally planned, due to the blizzard. But the rest of them made it up there safely, which I was glad for. I mean, it would have been a shame to get up there and have nobody's money to take! Mark and I rode up together Sunday morning -- fortunately he was driving, because I had a 30-minute episode where I was partially blind. That hadn't happened to me since 1990, but it was the exact same thing!

As it turns out, I took no money. I ended up exactly even for the day, which is how it should be, I guess. No, fuck that, I should win... But I had some good luck and bad luck. I went from chip leader to bubbling out of one tourney on 2 consecutive hands where I got outdrawn by Greg each time. Okay, fine, he's the host. I got even in the last game of the night by outdrawing Mark about 16 times in a row to stay alive, and then ended up chopping 1st and 2nd, even though I had close to a 2:1 chip advantage. It was late and I was happy to break even at the end of the day.

Greg continued his hot streak into Monday at the casino, but 5th place out of 28 wasn't good enough to finish ITM. Fortunately, he profited about $150 in a $1/$2 NL game afterwards. Jeff did well in the cash game too, I heard. Unfortunately, I had to go home early that morning, so I didn't get to make the casino trip.

And the coldest player of the group....hmmm....Ian? He took some rough beats on Sunday at the cottage, went out of the tournament early on Monday, and then was dealt 2-2 in the $1/$2 game, flopped 2-A-A, and ran into pocket Aces and flopped quads. He's on a poker sabbatical now.